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Sejfo-最新招聘信息 已有 54480 人关注


公司规模: 50 - 99人

公司性质: 外商独资

所属行业: 机电、机械制造、模具、汽车、汽配、船舶、厨具等

所在地区: 浙江-杭州市-下城区

公司地图: Barnhemsgatan 58, Box 215,Koping, Sweden  Sejfo



About the company

Sejfo Group is a leading Swedish supplier of automation and test systems. We specialize in automotive industry including Industrial Automation, Assembly lines, Test machines, Conveyors and Robotics. Among our clients in the Chinese automotive industry we have customers that are vehicle manufacturers and their sub suppliers like Volvo and SDS and Tsingshan.


We will now continue with the next step in the plan to expand in China by recruiting one Installation and Service Engineer to be based in Hangzhou area. We have been in the Chinese market since 2010 and has now own Chinese-speaking project management for the Chinese market which has increased the quality of communication and cultural differences. The Install and Service Engineer will work closely with our project management in Sweden and also together with our sales personnel in Hangzhou that is appointed to support the new Service engineer. The service engineer will also support our sales personnel in their sales work.

More information about us on our website www.sejfo.com

职位名称 工作地区 学历要求 工作经验 性别 招聘人数 薪资待遇 更新日期  
瑞典赛福(Sejfo) 杭州市 本科及以上 5年以上 不限   2 8000-16000 月薪 2022-07-11   展开
机器人维护工程师 杭州市 大专及以上 3-5 年 不限   1 8000-15000 月薪 2022-07-11   展开
销售工程师(只接受英文简历) 嘉兴市 本科及以上 3年以上 不限   1 7000-10999 月薪 2022-07-11   展开
机器人编程工程师(只接受英文简历.. 嘉兴市 本科及以上 5年以上 不限   1 10-11万 年薪 2022-07-11   展开