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北京爱稀客肺动脉高压罕见病关爱中心-最新招聘信息 已有 238290 人关注


公司规模: 1 - 49人

公司性质: 社会团体

所属行业: 咨询/中介机构

所在地区: 北京-西城区

公司地图: 阜成门外大街11号国宾大厦501B  北京爱稀客肺动脉高压罕见病关爱中心

公司福利: 双休 工作餐 五险一金 带薪年假




Who we are?

iSEEK PH Hope Center (abbreviated as “iSEEK”) is the only NGO in China supporting people affected by pulmonary hypertension. In 2009, a group of patients, caregivers, medical professionals and volunteers proposed to establish an organization, and in 2011, iSEEK was finally established to provide medical consultancy, emotional support, research and charity assistance. Then registered in Beijing Civil Affairs Bureau in 2013, we aimed at raising public awareness about PH and the invisible disabled community as well as ending their isolation. We also dedicated ourselves to protect their equal rights in medical, education, employment and accessible environment, in the hope of promoting the development of the social security system. Now, iSEEK has more than 2000 patient members and 50 medical consultants all over China.





May Chinese PH patients enjoy equal rights and live in an accessible environment.






To improve patient’s living standards and promote the development of the social security system.













Raise social awareness about PH and invisible disability to avoid pathogenic factors;

Improve the early diagnosis and treatment of PH;

Advocate patient’s equal rights in medical insurance and the disabled protection laws;

Promote the development of medical research to find a cure;

Provide emotional support and charity assistance to patients in need.







Seeking Blue Lips

Evidence suggests that more than 95% of people have never heard of PH and more than 90% of patients have undergone misdiagnosis. So, we launched this awareness campaign in schools, communities and shopping centers to raise public attention to PH and early diagnosis.





New Life Project

It is the first medical assistance program in China supporting people affected by PH, which can be applied by patients themselves or doctor’s recommendation. After the assessment of the advisory committee, medical allowances will be provided to patients for their treatment. Until now, 30 patients have benefited from this project.


蓝唇小课堂 全国性的肺动脉高压患者教育和医患交流项目,旨在诊室外搭建一个医生、患者及照顾者之间的交流平台,为患者送去最新的治疗信息,降低误诊和漏诊情况的发生。已在北京、广州、武汉、沈阳、成都、重庆等9个城市开展,邀请到北京阜外医院、北京朝阳医院、北京安贞医院、四川华西医院、沈阳军区总医院等多家医院的肺动脉高压专业诊疗中心的医生及患者、照顾者约300名参加。


PH Classroom

It is a face-to-face educational program among patients, caregivers and doctors. We hope to build up a friendly communication platform outside clinic that can regularly bring updated information to patients. This program have been entered into nine cities all over China, like Beijing, Guangzhou, Wuhan, Shenyang, Chengdu, Chongqing etc. More than 300 patients, caregivers and doctors attended our classes. Medical professionals from Beijing Fuwai hospital, Anzhen Hopsitial, Chaoyang hospital, West China Hospital, Sichuan University, China General Hospital of Shenyang Military Region volunteered in teaching and sharing experiences.




蓝唇徒步  2013年,已故患者家属梁建辉为了完成妻子的遗愿,从成都徒步2000公里到达拉萨,沿途向路人宣传肺动脉高压,呼吁将药物纳入医保。从此,爱稀客每年邀请上百名志愿者涂上蓝唇参加徒步健身活动,向公众宣传肺动脉高压,推动相关医疗政策的完善。



In 2013, Mr. Jianhui Jiang hiked from Chengdu to Lhasa to fulfill her wife’s last wish to visit Tibet, who died of PH due to unaffordable medical costs. Along his adventurous trip, he raised public awareness about the disease and advocated for medical coverage to PH therapies. Since then, we held sports activities each year, attracting hundreds of people to participate in advocacy.


中国肺动脉高压患者生存状况调研 针对目前中国尚无完整的肺动脉高压患者流行病学和生存状况调查研究,爱稀客于2014年启动《中国肺动脉高压患者生存状况调研》,将与国家呼吸疾病临床医学研究中心、中国科学院心理研究所等科研机构合作,于2015年推出调研报告。该项目将对制定肺动脉高压医疗、社保政策提供依据。


Since there is no accurate epidemiological and living conditions survey in China on PH, from 2014 we launched a research program to fill the blank. Cooperating with National Respiratory Disease Clinical Center and Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, we will issue a report in 2005 to facilitate the policy-making on PH medical insurance policies.







Blue lips & Pulmonary Hypertension

Most PH patients have blue lips due to lack of oxygen, so blue lips became the symbol and recognition of pulmonary hypertension.

Pulmonary Hypertension is high blood pressure in the arteries of the lungs that can lead to right heart failure. If without treatment, the median survival period is 2.8 years, and the death toll are even higher than cancer.





Why iSEEK?

Pulmonary Hypertension is an invisible and fatal disease that hard to be diagnosed, and most patients look good but having great difficulty in physical exercises. iSEEK is to call for public understanding and support to this rare and invisible disabled community.


2011年: 获得英国肺动脉高压协会(PHA UK) “蓝嘴唇”标志的授权并与其成为合作伙伴; 2012年: 参加美国肺动脉高压协会(PHA)第十届科学大会,并做“患者力量”主题发言; 与PHA签订合作备忘录,成为国际肺动脉高压患者组织联盟成员; 2013年: 参加浙江卫视“中国梦想秀”全票通过获得30万元梦想资金; 参加中华医学会第六届全国肺栓塞与肺血管病学术会议,并做“患者教育”主题演讲; 2014年: 参加PHA第十一届科学大会并发表“患者组织政策倡导”主题发言; 机构创始人黄欢荣获“2014CCTV年度慈善人物奖”、阿里天天正能量公益人物奖; 机构荣获“第四届中国公益节”最佳组织奖; 2015年: 参加国际肺血管病研究院(PVRI)第八届年度世界肺血管病大会暨中华医学会第七届全国肺栓塞与肺血管疾病大会,并做“肺动脉高压—患者教育及社会支持”主题发言; 执行主任李融荣获 第五届中国公益节 公益人物奖
  • 2014中国公益节最佳组织奖


  • 2014慈善人物奖


职位名称 工作地区 学历要求 工作经验 性别 招聘人数 薪资待遇 更新日期  
医学事务专员 北京 大专及以上 3-15 年 不限   2 5000-8000 月薪 2021-09-30   展开
医疗社会工作师 北京 本科及以上 5-10 年 不限   2 5000-6000 月薪 2021-09-30   展开
医学事务专员(广州市) 广州市 大专及以上 3-15 年 不限   2 4000-6000 月薪 2021-11-19   展开
网络销售 北京 大专及以上 3-10 年 不限   3 3500-10000 月薪 2022-07-11   展开
医疗事务社工 北京 本科及以上 3-8 年 不限   1 4500-5500 月薪 2021-04-01   展开
主任助理兼人力资源经理 北京 本科及以上 3-8 年 不限   2 4000-6000 月薪 2022-05-22   展开
出纳兼行政 北京 大专及以上 3-10 年 不限   若干 4000-6000 月薪 2022-07-11   展开
行政兼出纳(急) 北京 大专及以上 2-3 年 不限   1 4000-5000 月薪 2021-05-28   展开
筹资官员 北京 不限 5-20 年 不限   2 6000-8000 月薪 2021-07-24   展开
外宣助理(视频图片) 北京 大专及以上 1-10 年 不限   2 2000-4500 月薪 2021-11-19   展开
志愿者管理和活动筹资官员(广州.. 广州市 大专及以上 1-10 年 不限   2 2000-5000 月薪 2021-11-19   展开
筹资官员(广州市) 广州市 不限 5-20 年 不限   2 6000-8000 月薪 2021-11-19   展开
筹资官员(北京) 北京 不限 5-20 年 不限   2 6000-8000 月薪 2021-12-04   展开
媒体与公共关系官员 北京 本科及以上 3-10 年 不限   2 4000-6000 月薪 2021-04-01   展开
新媒体运营实习生[只招应届毕业生.. 北京 本科及以上 1年以下 不限   1 1000-2000 月薪 2021-05-28   展开
媒体与公共关系官员(广州市) 广州市 本科及以上 3-10 年 不限   2 5000-10000 月薪 2021-11-19   展开